June Player of the Month: Mark Borowski

Mark Borowski has been named the June Player of the Month. Mark comes from Thousand Oaks, CA and is one of six Californians on the U of M roster.  Mark contributes to the team on the field usually as a wing.  Off the field, Borowski creates the majority of the club’s graphic needs, including posters, website images, and recruitment cards.  Mark missed some time with a shoulder injury but was able to play in nine games, scoring one try.  He recently competed in the Larrimer Cup and is set to compete with the team at the State Games of Michigan on June 23rd.

Height: 5′ 8″
Weight: 150 lbs.
Year: Junior
Major: Education
Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

What have you liked about Michigan rugby the most so far?
The team. I’ve been on teams before that were close, but never anything like this. Any one of us would lay ourselves on the line for any other. It’s great to know that your team has your back, on the field and off.

What legacy do you want to leave with the UMRFC?
Tradition and progress are the two things I want to preserve. I want everyone who ever joins this team to know how it began and to understand its roots, but also to understand that being weird, funny, and sometimes out of control doesn’t mean you don’t have to lift and work your butt off at practice and win games.

In 5 years, what do you see yourself doing?
Hopefully I’ll be a teacher by then. I’ve always wanted to be a terrible influence on some moldable young minds. If not I’d love to live on Venice Beach with the bums.

Should we know about any notable family or friends?
I played high school football with a few current NFL players as well as the sons of Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montana, and Will Smith. Also, my little brother will probably be famous in the next few years so watch out for that.

What’s some embarrassing childhood memory you can tell us?
I can barely remember what my answer to the last question was.

Biggest fear?
Having kids. I sometimes wonder how I even keep myself alive, let alone taking care of someone else.

Favorite food?
Grilled cheese and tomato soup, and don’t act like that’s two foods, everyone knows it’s one food.

Any game day superstitions?
I hate long socks which is why we didn’t win the Larrimer Cup. Also, I like to sacrifice a pygmy goat to the fire god from Game of Thrones.

Favorite superhero and why?
The Hulk because he just smashes everything with no regard for what’s going on around him. I’m not even sure if he’s a real superhero because he never actually saves people or stops crime, but that’s a conversation for another time.

Best advice you’ve ever received?
The best way to open a banana is from the bottom. That’s how monkeys do it

Any thing else you want us to know or you want to say?
I really love grilled cheese and tomato soup. I can’t stress that one enough.

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