SISU™ Mouthguard May Player of the Month: Ian Kwant

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Congratulations to Ian (Gronk) Kwant! We look forward to what you’ll accomplish this upcoming Season.



Year in school?

Hopefully Organizational Studies

Saline, MI

Why did you decide to play rugby?
I came to Michigan after a year of junior hockey and wanted to try something new.

What have you liked about Michigan Rugby so far?
Definitely the guys on the team, they’re the ones who make practice worth going to when its snowing in March.

Describe your most memorable moment on the pitch.
When I scored my first try against Ohio State. I got a great pass from Fish and stiff armed a buckeye in the face.

What’s your most favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
I have a love hate relationship with the tackling grid drills. I love to be the ball carrier, but being on the other side can be tough.

What other sports have you played?
I played hockey for 16 years, and played football in high school as well.

What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Hopefully working in the finance industry or with a consulting firm, but definitely in a big city somewhere.

What is an embarrassing childhood memory that you can share with us?
I once wiped out in the middle of the mall while carrying four coffees because a girl smiled at me.

What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
Fleetwood diner, it has become somewhat of a tradition for my friends and I to go there.

What is your biggest fear?
Having to tackle Cha Cha in practice.

What is your favorite food?
Buffalo Wings.

Do you have any game-day superstitions? Explain.
I listen to Sinatra before games, it helps calm me down.

Who is you favorite superhero and why?
Thor, dudes a legend and he has great hair.

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Always be willing to place a bet on yourself.

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