SISU™ Mouthguard September Player of the Month: Liam Clancy

September Player of the Month Liam Clancy

Congratulations to Liam Clancy our September Player of the Month!

Name:  Liam Clancy

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 175 lbs

Year: Senior

Major: International studies

Hometown: Boston, MA

Why did you decide to play rugby?
I was drawn in by the superior build and dashing good looks of a recruiter at festifall. I think his name was Dozer.

What have you liked about Michigan Rugby so far?
Lotta hits. It’s been really fun playing in the big ten and having an outlet for competition.

Describe your most memorable moment on the pitch. 
Team huddle before Michigan state in the rain.

What’s your most favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
Favorite: scrimmage

Least favorite: shame game

What other sports have you played?
Basketball and track

What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Sailing off into the horizon with the love of my life

What is an embarrassing childhood memory that you can share with us?
If you don’t already know about the bagel isle ask me in person

What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
Davis’s room

What is your biggest fear?
The cops

What is your favorite food?
Canned tuna

Do you have any game-day superstitions? Explain. 
Eating massive amounts of salt and mercury gives you superpowers. Tuna works well for this.

Who is you favorite superhero and why?

What is the best advice you have ever received?
“Put that suit on sailor it’s already been paid for”

Again Congratulation our September Player of the Month, Liam Clancy!

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