SISU™ Mouthguard March Player of the Month: Jack Vecchio

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Jack Vecchio is a sophomore leader on the team, looking to make a big impact this sevens season. Congratulations Jack!

6′ 4″ (4 inches above the average height)


Year in school?

Aerospace Engineering

San Diego, California

Why did you decide to play rugby?
I wanted to have something competitive and physical to do while I was in college.

What have you liked about Michigan Rugby so far?
Great team culture that has fun and is still focused on academic succes.

Describe your most memorable moment on the pitch.
Playing against Indiana this fall, the pitch was so muddy that it made for a really fun game.

What’s your most favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
Big fan of static passing, preferably in a circle. I hate doing the sideways rolls, I threw up 5 times the first time we did that.

What other sports have you played?
Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Football

What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Hopefully something involving aerospace.

What is an embarrassing childhood memory that you can share with us?
I broke my neighbor’s outdoor glass table when I was trying to throw rocks into their pool. That didn’t end well

What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
White street, it’s home

What is your biggest fear?
Bugs, they are gross. (honorable mention: forgetting to fill out maize-pages)

What is your favorite food?
Wings, honey bbq sauce

Do you have any game-day superstitions? Explain.
I wore the same pair of black nikes under my game socks (I washed them between games), they are just really comfortable socks.

Who is your favorite superhero and why?
Batman, he’s just a cool guy

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Half of life is showing up

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